Sunday, March 14, 2010

A walking miracle

It's amazing how much more sleep patient's get on the regular floor as opposed to the ICU. The rooms get really quiet and dark and all you can hear is the sound of the IV pumps (which is actually kind of soothing until they start beeping). We use the same pumps at Methodist, so it was hard for me not to fix the problem and silence them myself (which I do admit I did a few times). Since mom slept better last night, she was up at the crack of dawn wanting to get up and walk. Yesterday she was able to walk around the nurses station 1 time, and this morning she walked around it 3 times! It's funny because it's like she has neighbors and she is just taking a stroll around the neighborhood, and everyone is so friendly and glad to see her out and about. She still has her J tube but is now on a liquid diet, so hopefully they will take the tube out soon. With all this progress, we are hoping to be out in a few days...probably Wednesday. Thanks for all the prayers, cards, flowers, and encouragement for her!! It means so much and has helped her recovery process! =)


  1. Yeah for walking, Mrs. Nancy! Love you all and covering you in prayer!


  2. Thank you for the update. We are praying for ya'll daily!
